
Too much to do!!

That's all I seem to be saying these days. Just this past week...
  • Ecology project (due tomorrow): Find a bunch of leaves and pinecones and moss and pine needles, glue them to a cardboard box, and label everything. This took me about 4 hours to complete.
  • Vignettes (due today): Small, graceful literary sketches. I was given a list of topics to choose from. We had to write three, all on a different topic. 300-500 words each. 30-45 minutes each, total of 2 hours.
  • Sensory Snapshot (due Friday): Write a quick piece of literature using all five senses. The story you write about must tell about the sentence: "It was weird." You may not use am, is, was, were, are, be, being, been, or ain't. Took me about an hour.
  • All-NW and All-State Ensembles Audition music: Very difficult pieces of music for my flute that I must perfect by Tuesday. I've already spent 45 minutes on it, and I only got the music today.
  • Playing test in band (due Friday): Well at least I know the pieces! Still gotta practice a lot. 2 hours so far.
  • Read through chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, and fill in packet (due today): Each chapter takes like an hour to get through, fill out the pages, and figure out every single symbol in the novel so far. We have to read through chapter 7 by Tuesday. 4 hours.
  • Unit test for World History on Civilizations (Friday). We must create study guide based on assessment questions throughout our daily reading. Our study guide is due before the test. Mine was 5 pages long. 2 hours.
  • Articulo (due tomorrow): For Spanish 2, each month we have to read an article about something with reference to a Spanish person, country, or tradition. Then we get to write a 300-word summary of our article, completely in Spanish. Aaannndd I lost the original file when my computer died since I forgot to save it, so I had to redo the whole thing tonight. 4 hours total.
Add three volleyball games this week, a doctors appointment after school, and Bible study on Monday with my girls group, I'm beat.

I'm not playing well at my volleyball games, I barely have time to get in the Word, and I have absolutely no time to relax and just get a breath of air. I wasn't even able to make it to youth group tonight. But what I love about Jesus is that we can cast all our cares upon Him; we can rest in Him knowing He's got everything under control. It's just one of those weeks when I can dump all this stuff on Him, and He can carry it for my with no trouble at all.

Also my Cowboys are playing Monday Night Football so that makes my week a lot better! :D

Thanks for reading! : )

1 comment:

  1. For your spanish Articulo you should read about me! :) Read my blog post (it is an article and there are spanish people in it...)
