
Oh hey there...

Well. It's been a while since I've blogged. I guess it isn't that I haven't had time. I mean, it's not like I have had a ton of time. But I haven't really had a chance to lately.

It's like...

Anyways, during my time of blogging silence, quite a bit has happened.

My birthday party was last Saturday. That was a ton of fun. We went on the "Night on a Dark Trail." It's a haunted trail (in honor of Halloween, which was three days afterwards) on the Ridge. Fun stuff.

My wonderful friends at MyCakes, Cynthia and Claudette Golpe, made me this amazing cake for my party!

We finished our volleyball season on a high note. This is us after our last and best game.

I went to a Sounders FC playoff game last night. Pretty awesome to hang out with some great gals!

And, this hasn't exactly happened yet, but my birthday is in four days! Woohoo!!

So, I finished 2 Kings a week ago. Then I tried reading 1 Chronicles but I got bored so I skipped 1 and 2 Chronicles and landed on Ezra. I finished that today, and hopefully I will be able to finish Nehemiah in the next week or two.

What I'd really like to blog about tonight is something that happened about two weekends ago. My family and I went to the King Tut exhibit at the Seattle Science Center, which was incredible. I loved it! I would highly recommend going - it's open through January 6 and if you go the last weekend I'll bet a lot of the merchandise will be on sale since it's the last time the exhibit will be in the United States before it goes back to Egypt.

But back to my point. While we were at that exhibit, lots of artifacts found in pyramids were in display. It occured to me that when these pharaohs were alive, all they did was plan their life after their death. They spent practically all their money, time, and energy on their tombs.

Why don't we do that? Granted for the Egyptian kings, it was for the wrong reasons. But I think that we as Christians should do that. What does this life mean to us in terms of the rest of eternity? After we die, it's really not going to matter, is it? All the money we spend on clothes. Food. Shelter. Obviously we need those things to survive and we thank God for them, but what about all the extra stuff we store up for ourselves like extravagant homes, the newest iPhone, or our designer handbags and jewelry?

There's a new Toby Mac CD out there. One of the tracks, my favorite of the album, says, "I'd be packing my bags when I need to stay, I'd be chasing every breeze that comes my way, I'd be building my kingdom just to watch it fade away."

I'm just as guilty of building my own kingdom as the next person, but I really believe that we need to be more like the Pharaohs. We need to do what Jesus says in Matthew 6:19-20: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

Share Jesus, grow in your faith, and remind yourself to live for eternity and not for today. Let's build His kingdom this week.

Have a great week! Thanks for reading! : )

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