
FLOSS and what it has to do with repentance.

Happy new year! I hope you all had fun ringing in 2013. I redecorated my blog so that it looks a little different and a little nicer, in my opinion. Just a little something to kick in the new year. Oh, and I added a few pictures on the side from our trip. I promise: blog post devoted to that trip will come.

Christmas vacation has been great. I haven't woken up before eight for the past week (except I had to wake up at seven on Sunday for church). But even with all this sleep I have somehow managed to catch a nasty cold. This morning I couldn't breathe through my nose and as of right now my head is aching. Plus I got a couple shots yesterday so my left arm is nice and sore.

Oh, well. That's life. Not much I can do except for rest up, drink water, eat healthy and lay low for the next three days. After that I have to go to school and I really hate having a good cold at school.

On a lighter note, Jaci's birthday is in just three days - Sunday! I have yet to buy a present for her (I can really be a procrastinator sometimes), but I plan to do it tomorrow or on Saturday. She's gonna be fourteen. Crazy.

Yep. So. Bible update for ya. Lately I've been reading in Acts. I think my Bible-reading goal for the next month or so is just to read and hang out in Acts. But I'm only through chapter five! I can only read for so long in this book without having my mind blown.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on floss. I think about a week ago, I realized that I hadn't flossed in, well, too long. I'd just gotten a little lazy, that's all. So I got out my floss and started flossing. Within moments, after all the plaque had been rid of, my gums were swollen and bleeding. But after flossing every night for a few days, my gums were less and less swollen and they weren't bleeding very much. Now they don't even bleed when I floss.

So what does this all have to do with repentance, you ask? I don't know how in the world I came up with this analogy, but flossing is like admitting our sins to Jesus. And sin building up is like plaque building up. When we admit our sins to Jesus, he takes some floss and gets rid of all the plaque. But if we've been sinning a lot without asking Jesus to take care of it, the plaque keeps building up. The longer we wait to floss, the worse our sin gets. Then when we finally ask Jesus to floss, it can really hurt, even for a while afterwards.

Admitting our sins is hard for humans to do. The very first sin ever committed was not done by Eve - it was done by Satan. It was pride. We, as humans, don't like admitting that we are sinners. But we have to take up our crosses, right?

Let's floss. It makes for a cleaner smile - and a cleaner life. Thanks for reading! : )

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